As time goes by, everything around us is changing ; including our mind , certainly.
Something we thought definitly right before maybe becomes wrong one now , like don't talk someone's private affair.
The olders always say:"don't talk about other one's  private affair , it's not a good manner" ;
but now , you can see some medias, like number magazine, fruit papers, etc. , always work for finding something as privacy as people want to know.
Hey, it was a worse manner , but we think it's okay, right?
There is a prisoner who had ever had the biggest power in this country, he & his family did many crimes during the past years.
If he is a common people , I guess nobody care about him , and police will use their ordinary way to prisoner to him.
But just becausse he isn't, many politicians who has another concerns to support his behavior , even they know it's wrong.
Hey, it's a right way?I don't think "Confuse right and wrong" is correct.
Of course, everything has exception , but it's less than common sence.
Maybe we should rebuild our value to next generation, teach them what's right and what's worng~
Parents should teach their children to do the right behaviors to avoid them to become prisoners.
it's just murmur , don't be serious; but I really hope we have a peace, safe, and no other strange things' world.

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